Thursday, April 16, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

1. Monet and Manet are both Impressionists and have similarities beyond their names. Compare and contrast these two artists.
- Manet and Monet were both french impressionsts, Manet was one of the first painters to begin working in the impressionist art period, he used broad colors with a quick brush technique and did many studio drawings. Manet was an influence to Monet who in contrast to Manet painting more "en plein air" (outside). Monet, like Manet, also used quick brush strokes but, unlike Manet, he put paint directly on the canvas without sketching the composition out first. Monet also used individualized color and focused on capturing the effects of light and color on nature.

2. Who is Camille Claudel? Examine her "L'Age Mur" and identify the 3 figures depicted.
- Camille Claudel is a french sculptor and graphic artist during the late 1800s. "L'Age Mur" is a bronze sculpture of Camille pleading for Auguste Rodin not to leave her for his former mistress.

3. Identify the works stolen during the infamous Gardner Museum heist. Identify and describe your favorite piece.
- "The Concert" by Johannes Vermeer, "The Storm of the Sea of Galilee" by Rembrandt van Rijn, and "Landscape with an Obelisk" by Govaert Flinck. My favorite stolen piece is "The Concert" which depicts a two women and one man at a piano, one woman is playing the piano while the other seems to be singing.

4. Summarize the "legend" behind the man with the top hat in Eugene Delacroix's most famous painting.
- The legend in Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People" is that Delacroix is the man in the top hat holding a muskat. The painting depicts persians celebrating liberty under the tricolor flag.

5. What is David Mach's "Gorilla" made of?

6. Describe your favorite Ron Mueck sculpture.
- My favorite Ron Mueck sculpture is "A Girl". The sculpture is of a newborn lying down. Mueck shows the wrinkles and ugliness of the baby which holds the viewer's interest even though it isn't necessarily pretty.

7. Paul Rahilly is one of my former professors.
a) What breed of dog is depicted in his "Girl in a Paper Dress"?
- a poodle

b) In which of his paintings does one find a chili pepper?
- "beef and vegetables"

c) a brioche?
- "brioche, pears and eggs"

8. What colors are used in my "concert bill sketch"?
- red, blue, white, and gray

9. Ryan Smith is an amazing artist and a good friend of mine (he attended Norton High).
a) Describe the subject matter in his 2006 piece "Taxidermy Tammy".
- The subject matter is a girl character who has a pizza slicer in her hand, at her feet are a bunch of animals (moose, bear, octopus, zebra, owl, bird, owl, fox, etc..) that have been torn apart and and put back together

b) What "sport" is parodied in his version of "Pig Pile"?
- wrestling

Now it's time to play 6 degrees of Wikipedia. Your responses should look like numbered lists beginning with the first item and ending with the last item.
1. Vincent van Gogh=vampire
- Vincent van Gogh = german expressionists = vampire

2. Francisco Goya=cartilage
- Francisco Goya = Meniere's disease = inner ear = ear= cartilage

3. Lucian Freud=Tool (the band)
- Lucian Freud = painter (painting) = art = death metal = heavy metal = Tool (band)

4. Mark Rothko=serpent
- Mark Rothko = mythology = Bible = Genesis = serpent

5. Diego Rivera=Roger Williams
- Diego Rivera = New York City = Northeastern United States = Rhode Island = Roger Williams

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